How to Gain Weight? The Ultimate Weight Gain Guide!

It is natural to want to gain weight. I remember when I was 20 years and weighing 122lbs. All my friends were way bigger than I was. Imagine being 5 feet 11 inches tall and 122lbs. That was definitely not a beautiful sight. In high school my nickname was ‘plank’ due to my long slender figure. All my family members are small built, maybe a tiny bit larger than I was, so I guess that was the natural reason why I was so slender. Well I am proud to say that today I am at 170lbs and I absolute love how I look. I am no longer called ‘plank’. It is an amazing feeling.I say all this to show you that it is natural to feel like you need to gain some weight. I know exactly how you feel. I decided to create this website to show you, based on my experience, how to gain weight the correct way. Gaining weight is absolutely easy but many of us can’t seem to do it because we are trying to do it the wrong way. I will try as best as I can to tell you everything I know on how to gain weight.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Put on Weight Without Getting Fat

Hey guys here I am with another post. I believe this one is very important. Many of us are gaining weight but at the same time getting fat. You can gain weight without having that tummy hanging over or your body jiggling all over the place. In this short post I show you how to gain weight without getting fat.

4 Foods That Helped Me Gain Weight.

Here is a list of five foods that helped me to gain some weight. I still consume these foods as they help me to maintain my weight. You have to be really careful though as you may find yourself putting on some serious weight very quickly.

Why are You So Skinny?

There are many reasons why you could be underweight. I will share with you a few reasons why I believe people are so skinny and find it hard to gain weight.