Thursday, April 4, 2013

4 Foods That Helped Me Gain Weight.

Here is a list of five foods that helped me to gain some weight. I still consume these foods as they help me to maintain my weight. You have to be really careful though as you may find yourself putting on some serious weight very quickly.

  1. Peanut Butter- I have to admit, this is my ultimate favorite. I am very addicted to peanut butter and it has been one of the greater contributors to my weight gain. The reason for this is that peanut butter contains like 300 calories per 3tbsp .It also contains unsaturated fat which your heart will absolutely love. This is a healthy food for gaining some serious weight.
  2. Milk Powder- This is also one of my favorite. I like adding water to it rather than eating the dry powder. I usually drink one glass of it every day so i can safely say it is also a big contributor to my weight gain. Milk powder contains about 110 calories per ¼ cup.
  3. Pasta- This is a good one that worked for me too. I usually eat my pasta with beef but you can choose whatever you want to eat it with. It’s better to try and get the whole grained pasta as it provides your body with high amounts of vitamin B and fibers. A cup of pasta contains around 220 calories.
  4. Cheese- This is a well known weight gain food. I occasionally have this as a late night snack. This does add a little weight but not really a lot I believe. To be honest, I am really not a big fan of cheese so I don’t eat a lot. Each ounce of cheese contains about 110 calories so if you love cheese, this could be a good food for gaining some weight.
I am not saying that these are the only food that will help you gain weight but these are the main ones that I know worked for me. Please leave a comment below and tell me what you believe are some foods that worked for you